Tuesday, January 12, 2021


            Life is hard for our fellow frontliners. Their lives at stake for us to breath lighter. Despite this never seeing their love ones they continue on bravely. Life is what they fight for, sacrifices they make. They are our heroes, our brave and strong individual. Massive respect for every frontliners out there. Salute.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Guards on Filipinos: Pandemic ka lang


         Resiliency is one of the most common traits we Filipinos have. Problems or disasters may hit us but we unite and lend a hand to our fellow citizens. We never flinch when danger come, we face is bravely and wise. We are a strong breed of the human species.  Many disasters have come in our way, we got passed all of them through courage and unity. Now we face an enemy not visible to us, a deadly virus spreading faster than we can imagine.

The Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 surely struck us like a lightning bolt. Leaving a painful and bitterness in its path. A sad fight that may cost you everything, your family or your dearest friends. Even though that’s the case we choose to stand up, head held high, fighting our struggles in life with a smile on our face. Nothing can drag us Filipinos down, we unite to protect our love ones, our home and our country. Yes sometimes we fall and that’s not the end, we find reasons to fight and get back in our feet. You may be young or old you can still be a soldier fighting this pandemic by following protocols given to us.


Life is full of uncertain things, things may come unexpectedly that’s why we must be prepared. And always help a brother up when he falls. Filipino is what we are facing this pandemic with our masks on and our hands sanitized. We will all get through this for we are Filipinos, we are great.


IMG source: https://www.bworldonline.com/fighting-the-covid-19-war/

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Goodbye my Friends

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            In the last chapter of being a grade 10 student. I learned more about Photoshop, I guess. Adobe Photoshop and Web quest that’s what we learned. Create a design in Photoshop CC. There aren’t specific problems tho. Just this one where we make mistakes and do it again. We just kept in mind that we can do it, think positive.

            Moving on our last chapter in this school year I will be using what I learned to good. Goodbye and Thank you. Rick John Labor signing off…

A gun in my Hand

Image result for a gun in my hand policeman clipart
            They say dreaming is free but what it’s not free at all is the challenges that may come.
It will cost you lot of effort, but dreaming big is not bad at all.

            As I grew older my dreams also get a lot more. Adding an age and directly proportional my dreams also adds. Having a gun in my hand that’s my dream. Catching bad guys all day. Shooting at a range, a policeman with a great principle in hand. A cool uniform, riding in the cool breeze of air while doing my duty. Protect the old, innocents, and every citizen. But it is all worth it? Risking my life for others, a great job but it will cost me my life. I don’t care for my duty, principle and belief is true. Even if my life’s on the line trust me I’ll be there protecting the citizens.

            Study, get a job and die what a cycle. Still in the phase one but dreaming to get in the phase two soon. Dream big. I’ll be your knight in shining armor.

IMG source:https://www.storey-lines.com/stories/short-story-the-pistol/

Our Foundation

Image result for foundation day118th High School Day, that long since our school started celebrating our High School Day in Ilocos Sur National High school. Usually our foundation day happens in the month of March.

This year’s High school Day is truly by memorable. Our last Foundation Day being at the Junior High School. A usual 2-day celebration of our school to commemorate how it was found. In this 2-day celebration, a parade will happen and a field demo, dancing to our worries. Each grade levels dancing with their might and greatness. And after that the coronation of Mr. and Ms. High School Day.

Last year of being a Junior High School, last High School Day. A great way to end a marvelous School Year. Truly we will remember this all after our journey.

IMG source:https://yearlynews.com/happy-foundation-day/

A Flashback to the Past

Image result for flashbackEvery year the Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is held in the province of Ilocos Sur. For its richness of our culture we flashback to the past, our rich tradition, diversity and our old culture.

In the Kannawidan Festival, activities are held to commemorate our rich tradition. It recognizes the culture of different cities and municipalities. The different products of great cities that are shown with proudness of said places. A showcase of Ilocano’s great talents and their smart ways and thinking. A few great artists and bands also come to do some singing, and more in joining the said festival.

Kannawidan a living evidence of our rich culture and tradition. A treasure which we should preserve and pursue in doing it annually.

IMG source: https://www.facebook.com/flashbackpresents/photos/